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Nishit Shan
Post count: 1195

Hello Mark,

These below field is form API response for order detail:

“tnList”: { “tnItem”: [
“tn”: 7735162004,
“trunkGroup”: “CHCGIL24CL1_897”,
“name”: “Marcia Bog”,
“streetNum”: 123,
“streetPreDir”: “”,
“streetName”: “Winding”,
“streetType”: “Way”,
“streetPostDir”: “”,
“locationType1”: “”,
“locationValue1”: “”,
“locationType2”: “”,
“locationValue2”: “”,
“locationType3”: “”,
“locationValue3”: “”,
“city”: “Chicago”,
“state”: “IL”,
“postalCode”: “60661”,
“typeOfService”: “Residence”,
“status”: “Received”
“tnGroup”: “Group ID 65159 – Verizon Wireless:6006 – SVR/2”,
“accountNum”: “0001234”,
“atn”: “8885551234”,
“lata”: “358”,
“rateCenter”: “CHICGOZN02”,
“province”: “IL”,
“tnStatus”: “PIN required/invalid”,
“authName”: “Marcia Bog”,
“authDate”: “2016-05-20 00:00:00.0”,
“accountPin”: “”,
“cnamEnabled”: “N”,”cnamDip”: “N”,
“cnamStatus”: “”,
“dlEnabled”: “Y”,
“dlStatus”: “Failed”,
“e911Enabled”: “N”,
“e911Status”: “”,
“msgEnabled”: “Y”,
“msgStatus”: “Complete”,
“routingLabel”: “”,
“respOrgName”: “”,
“respOrgPrefix”: “”,
“cicList”: {“cic”: []},
“cicCompanyList”: {“cicCompany”: []}
“orderId”: 1054832,
“orderStatus”: “Pending”,
“productName”: “LNP Port-In”,
“serviceOrderName”: “New”,
“customerOrderReference”: “TestOrder”,
“createdUser”: “api_user”,
“desiredDueDate”: “2015-12-24”,
“desiredPortTime”: “09:00 US/Central”,
“orderNotes:” [ {
“note”: “This is a note!”,
“insertDate”: “2015-12-16 17:09:55.0”,
“insertUser”: “api_user”
}, {
“note”: “This is another note.”,
“insertDate”: “2015-12-15 17:09:55.0”,
“insertUser”: “api_user”
} ]

Tell You admin to see which information is currently not available on your voip site . i can display any of these detail.

NOTE: Please ask your all API provider to optimise the speed, because the API response speed is too slow and any modification or update is worthless if the site speed is slow.

Important Information: Next Monday to Thursday is government holiday in India so i will not be available.