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Nishit Shan
Post count: 1224

Hello Mark,

I am confused here. Are you considering this inteliquent port-out page(https://portal.inteliquent.com/CustomerPortal/numbersHomePortOut.htm) instead of the Port-in page(https://portal.inteliquent.com/CustomerPortal/numbersHomePortIn.htm). And i did not make changes or create functionality for the Port-Out page(https://portal.voip.us/port-out) except I added the message above the search form.

For Port-out page : I checked the API again and portal also and I found that, On user/Front-end page user have to search his/her port-out order to get detail of his/her order. And on Admin side the admin have access of all port-out orders. For front I checked the Api to Short data from End user name but there us no option to short data with user name. Do we have to display all port-out orders on front end ?