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Nishit Shan
Post count: 1227

Hello Mark,

1) Made changes for the Advance search Task. But it gives limited numbers of detail about searched TN.
“tn”: ‘TN’,
“trunkGroup”: “ATLNGAQSNAN_1790”,
“lata”: “920”,
“rateCenter”: “WALLINGFD”,
“locName”: “WALLINGFD”,
“province”: “CT”,
“tnStatus”: “Pending”,
“cnamDip”: “N”
and this will limits us to make functionality for ‘Return value’ field.(https://ibb.co/Rjw0FqQ)
2) And for pagination while we jump on big numbers like when we are on page 1 and if we jump directly to the list page then it gives error (‘{“statusCode”:”414″,”status”:”Large result set without searchId detected. Please contact support team for assistance.”}’). The response provides us searchId but there is no any instruction where we can add the searchId for pagination into request.