Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Repairs 23 Reply To: Voip Repairs 23

Nishit Shan
Post count: 1018

Hello Mark,

Sorry for late reply,

for Settings Tab – it is very strange we should have some coddings done on that page could you please double check.
I checked it on controller side and view file also,I could not find any extra code regarding the Account setting tab and i also check it in to My Oldest backup(19-April-2022), Both code have same code.

for #10924 – please let us know how we can speed up the process.
I made changes into API code of DID total count and it will work as we expected.

For Eduard Tkachenko login issue :-
I tried to login Eduard Tkachenko account from admin side and I set my network on slow 3G and it is working fine.

and please also check Phone Numbers side bar on user side, if any changes in numbers counts please update me.

  • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Nishit Shan.
  • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Nishit Shan.