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Nishit Shan
Post count: 1179


Thank you Andrey for update.

Updates regarding the tasks.

1) For number’s activation : Ok I did the whole process of the numbers acrivation with number “(205) 892-1598”
I created an DID numebrs Entry with 12058921598 on telinta with pricing bach “No CHARGE” with vendor batch “Voip batch” and i tried to activate the number from “https://excellentnumbers.com/account.php?action=activate_recent_number&accountId=9”. and it comes with the error “activation failed Reason: The main product contains a service wallet with an invalid plugin tax transaction code” This is error comes when I use “add_account” function of Telinta API. Here is my add account request parameters
“id”: 12058921598,
“billing_model”: 1,
“i_customer”: $customer_unid,
“iso_4217”: “USD”,
“activation_date”: $activation_date,
“i_product”: “28337”,
“h323_password”: $pass,
“generate_web_password”: 1

Am i missing anything here or need any changes on the telinta portal side?

2) Drag & Drop : For Drag & Drop column the code for changing columns position with drag and drop is done. Work is in process on save the position of columns and retrieve that position while loading of the page. You can check the UI of drag and drop functionality if any changes in UI then let me know.