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Nishit Shan
Post count: 1224

For 10361:
Hello Mark:
How you say that i did not tried to install the contact us module from (https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Contact.zip). If your code is not working then i am not responsible every time.
And this issue is because of the module code and because of that i did not change any code in the Module directory. and you can see the module directory on the root folder also.
I used the old contact-us page design template for only view. And added the embedded code from Embeding Code.txt file to this page template. And i got this issue.

For 10362:
This issue is not because of the connection in between the code and its connection with php file. This is the php version issue with the module. Ask developer to

For 10359 :
Hello Jeff:
For links it looks like this.

Yesterday i am worked on Improvements(C) issue, i can load the data from load more link. But the issue is it refreshes the drop down when data loaded and downtown closes so i am searching the solution to load the data without refresh the drop down(close the drop down) , so before leave i just commented my code and started the original code on the EN Server.

Today first i am checking and solving the issue which are reported in #10351 & #10362 and then i will continue on the task pages.

Thanks for your comments.