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Nishit Shan
Post count: 1191

Hello Andrey,

I have seen the mail text from the intelligent, but there is one thing we should always aware about that we need to purchase maximum desired number as much as we can . The error or reason behind the continues call of api is , because we don’t want to loss the important number so i have to call the API continuously.
As the lady said , she is saying the inteliquent release number once a week or when they have blocks of number . But how we will know which day and which time they are releasing the number , because we are not being notified or any event . If we get any event or anything then we can set our API call on event.

However it needs a deep research to reduce the API call , Because we can not and should not denies there point . 12 call in one second from one url is too much and it increase the server load and it can also cause serve crash.

I am not getting your second point “NanoTel – Wirelss not being downloaded”, Can you please explain it again for me.