Home Forums NanoTel Notification Settings Reply To: Notification Settings

Nishit Shan
Post count: 1248

Hello Mark,

I am happy that you are getting your valuable number from voip. You are not getting from nanotel is because i am yet to integrate all the functionality. I will add the changes when i will get concrete solution from support team . They have asked me to give timestamp, but i can not do that because i don’t have . To save new timestamp, i will have to make new order again but it is only possible when inteliquent release our registered format number.

Please click on the link for screen-shot (https://ibb.co/vxHTg2c) , here i can see all the entry been done as they were trying to do. Mark can you please help me to get which type of security you want , because i also tried to add some entry and it is being perfectly as we wish.So it will be helpful for me if you can guide me .