Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Repairs 23 Reply To: Voip Repairs 23

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1123

Hello NIshit thank you for your reply, please find some comments below:

Voip – Links Repair

– Settings Tab – Could you please remove both fax and phone2 fields,also could you please make First and Last name fields non-editable as well.

Auto Suggest –
a) – Done – Does not work
b) – Done – Does not work
c) – Done – Does not work

Port In – Can we check the portal and do this job without waiting for site admin to reply?
Comment :- Which numbers should I use for develop this functionality ? – you can use any of webmaklay account number.

The porting page we already have on the site does not work correcly as it displays April portout numbers as lates but it is August now and there is no portout numbers for the latest period of time. The site admin always reminds us about this so would you please make the latest portet numbers selected by default so everytine site admin visits the porin page they can see latest ported numbers displaid?
