Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Repairs 23 Reply To: Voip Repairs 23

Nishit Shan
Post count: 1116

Hello Mark,

For #11050

Voip – Links Repair
– Settings Tab –
I will make that change and will update you.

Auto Suggest –
a) The autosuggestion is working as explained in the task. please check this image https://ibb.co/wpPvFBV.
b) I checked it and it works as explained. If search setting is disable from Miscellaneous Settings page then the autosuggestion will not available on number search & home search page.
c) It is working as suggested. If the Search Bulk Number Setting is disable from Miscellaneous Settings page then the select all tick box will not available on number search & home search page.

Port In: Ok.

Current port out page : I will check the current port-out page functionality and then i will get back to you.